At Cimarron River Farms, we only sell 100% grass-fed and 100% grass-finished beef.  It has occurred to us that not everyone knows what this means and why it is important.  Most people who are interested know that grass-fed beef comes from cattle that are raised on pastures, and grow to maturity eating, you guessed it, grass.  What isn’t apparent from the grass-fed label you see at the store is beef “finished” with a diet of things other than grass at the end of their journey.  To fatten up cattle before slaughter, some grass-fed beef farmers will “finish” their cattle on a diet of grain and corn.

However, studies show that the meat from cattle that only eat grass all their lives contain two to three times the amount of conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs) compared to grain-finished beef.  CLAs are healthy fats associated with reduced cancer risks, reduced cardiovascular disease risk, and better cholesterol levels.  Grass-finished beef has been found to have a healthier ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids.  Additionally, grass-finished often contains higher levels of antioxidants like vitamin E and vitamin A.

Our cattle spend their entire lives eating lush Midland 99 Bermuda grass.  We never feed grain or corn to our animals.  You can be assured that when you buy beef from Cimarron River Farms that you are always getting 100% grass-fed and 100% grass-finished beef.